Sqn Crest

735 Firebird Squadron - Dundas

About Us - Staff

The staff are responsible for running the Squadron's administration, supply, mandatory and optional training activities.

Commanding Officer: Captain Sean MacNamara, CD Lt MacNamara
Deputy Commanding Officer: Second Lieutenant Alex Prine 2LT Prine
Training Staff
Level 1 Staff:CI HartnettCI Malette
CI Hartnett CI Malette
Level 2 Staff:OCDT A. DeAbreuCI B. Kamal
OCDT DeAbreu CI Kamal
Level 3 Staff:Capt Reddy
Capt Reddy
Level 4 Staff:2Lt M. Forster
2Lt Forster
Level 5 Staff:Lt S. MacNamara, CDCI H. Onufer
Lt MacNamara CI Onufer
Administration Officer: Lieutenant Kenneth Liggins Lt Liggins
Assistant Admin. Officer: Civilian Instructor Heather Onufer CI Onufer
Supply Officer: Civilian Instructor Graham Shaw CI Shaw
Music Training Officer: To be filled
Support Officer: Civilian Instructor Leo Sham CI Sham
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