Sqn Crest

735 Firebird Squadron - Dundas

About Us - Join Us

Cadet Enrolment

ball The Squadron is recruiting new Cadets NOW. Interested youth and their parents can come to Dundas Lions Memorial Community Centre on Monday from 6:30pm - 9:00pm for more information.

ball Before new Cadets join, there may be a number of Frequently Asked Questions. 

ball To join, a prospective recruit must submit the following documentation. The forms listed can be printed from this page - or copies are available at the Squadron.

ball To become a Cadet, a great resource to find a Squadron, answer commonly asked questions and submit an application is the Join the Cadet Program site on the Government of Canada website.
NOTE: Visiting that website is not mandatory, information is also available at your local Squadron.

Adult Enrolment

ball The Squadron is always looking for interested adults who have time to assist the Squadron. The commitment can vary from a few events per year to a few hours every week. Volunteers can assist with the Squadron Staff (instructors of the Cadets) or on the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (coordinators of local sponsorships and facilities).

ball To start, all adults come in as Civilian Volunteers (CV). In time, a CV can come on Squadron strength as a Civilian Instructor (CI) or may join the Canadian Forces as a Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) Officer.

ball For the safety of all concerned, ALL adults must be screened.

ball Before an adult applies to volunteer, there may be a number of Frequently Asked Questions. 

ball To join, a prospective volunteer must submit the following documentation. The forms listed can be printed from this page - or copies are available at the Squadron.

1) Letter in support of the Vulnerable Sector Screening letter that can be taken to the local police, as it explains the requirement for both a Police Records Check (PRC) and Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS).

2) Volunteer and Member Application package. This includes a letter of introduction to the prospective volunteer, the Volunteer and Member Application Form and the Volunteer Confidentiality, Code of Ethics and Non-Disclosure Agreement form.

3) Civilian Volunteer Agreement (CATO 23-07 Annex A) form, which is to be completed with the Squadron Commanding Officer.

4) Renewal Application and Volunteer Confidentiality, Code of Ethics and Non-Disclosure Agreement forms. NOTE: As its name suggests, these forms are used when the volunteer registration card expires.

NOTE: All of these forms should be filled out in consultation with the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairperson.

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